Frequently asked questions
Looking for more info?
We have compiled a short list of frequently asked questions. Please do contact us if you don't find everything you're looking for on the website.
What type of product guarantee do you offer your customers?

We provide a 10 year workmanship  and product guarantee providing the sleepout has been painted or stained by purchasers or ourselves.  We recommend if you are painting your sleepout it should be done within 3 months of delivery to protect the life of the product.

Do I need a building permit for my Sleepout?

No, all of our sleepouts are within 30 square metres which doesn’t require a building permit.  However any sleepout with plumbing and waste water requirements will need the purchaser to sort out with their local council or to hook up to septic tank.

Are they a flat pack I need to assemble?

No, they come fully built to your specific requirements.

How are they transported? 

All our sleepouts are transported by a Hi-Ab truck with a 21-metre boom, we can get them onto most properties. If you are concerned, we can come and check access to assess where you would like your sleepout to be placed.

Do you fit under floor insulation?

Only if the customer requests it, as our sleepouts have a 300mm air flow gap from the ground to the floor.

Do we have to prep our site before delivery? 

We require a relativity flat area as the sit on 6 x 4 inch treated timber skids.  We can accommodate a slope with house piles at the buyers cost.

Are any of your sleepouts built on trailers

No, they are all built on timber skids 150x90mm and sit on the ground. They able to be removed and not affixed the the ground.